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Definition And Characteristics


Stags: The Majestic Male Deer

Definition and Characteristics

Stags are adult male deer, members of the Cervidae family. This extensive family encompasses a wide range of species, including red deer, elk, reindeer, and moose. Stags possess several distinctive physical attributes, such as antlers, which are typically branched and deciduous, meaning they are shed and regrown annually.

Mating Behavior and Displays

During the mating season, known as the rut, stags engage in impressive displays to establish dominance and attract females. Red deer stags, in particular, are renowned for their loud and resonant roars. These vocalizations serve as territorial markers and a means of intimidating rival males. Stags also engage in physical confrontations, using their antlers to lock horns for supremacy.

Herbivorous Diet

Deer, including stags, are exclusively herbivores. Their diet primarily consists of vegetation, including grasses, leaves, and buds. They play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by grazing and browsing on plants, contributing to the health and regeneration of plant communities.

